Do You Feel Like Your Money Is Spent Before It Ever Hits Your Bank Account?

Nothing Is More Frustrating Than Working Really Hard, But Still Struggling To Make Ends Meet.

You're Not Alone! Most Business Owners

(new & seasoned) Share Similar Struggles!

Which one has you here today?

You've just started a brand new business.

Now, you are mixing your business expenses with personal purchases. You know you should keep it all separate, but that seems impossible when the business and you need money at the same time!

You're completely overwhelmed (and possibly overdrawn)

It's a "close your eyes and hope for the best situation" when you open up your credit card bill each month, so you just don't go there. You feel guilty for not handling it, but you feel worse when you try to.

You're focused on making the money...

Not organizing it

Bringing in clients and getting the work done is what you're good at. The finance side only slows you down, you'd rather just focus on growing your business. But, when tax time rolls around you spend weeks sorting receipts and tracking down invoices.

No matter the situation...

You're busy running your business, and you don't have time to learn complicated accounting software!

Then again you aren't sure you're ready to hire a dedicated bookkeeper just yet.

Hey! I'm Austen, and I've lived the "Oh Crap!" part.

Not that long ago I was in the trenches of running my own cleaning business, making what I felt was good money, but....

It was frustrating to realize that while I was working night and day, I still had to hold my my breath when I checked out at the grocery store, hoping there was enough in my account.

After one too many times of overdrawing my account and not being prepared AT ALL for taxes, I needed a system.

Something that was simple but gave me the ability to stay on top of my money, so I knew if I needed to take on more work, or spend less...before it was too late.

I didn't want to hire a bookkeeper yet, but I couldn't ignore the problem anymore.

Because let's be honest, nobody likes numbers... until those numbers become sexy, sexy money.

Let's make sure that sexy money gives you peace of mind instead of anxiety.

Peace of mind that you have money for both your business and personal life.

Peace of mind that you've planned for taxes and have extra for unexpected expenses.

Peace of mind that your new "budget" is actually giving you FREEDOM!

Introducing: "The Ultimate Budget Tracker"

A life and business money dashboard for complete control over your finances and the peace of mind that comes with it.

Here's the nitty gritty:

Let's get you organized, and back in the drivers seat in the shortest amount of time possible.

Step-By-Step Video Tutorials

No fluff, these videos are short (we're talking 10 minutes or less). I walk you through each step of setting up and managing your budget tracker. Instant access after purchase.

Budget Tracker System

Completely customizable system that will become your up-to-the-minute dashboard. No spreadsheet know-how needed! You will also receive a new budget tracker each year for the life of the course so you can archive your budget tracker and start fresh each January.

Squeaky Clean Password Manager

If you have to reset your password each time you try to login to your online banking or credit card account, this password manager is gonna be your new best friend. Secure and easy to use.

It's easier if I show you!

*Quick Tip: Put the video in 2x speed for a super quick overview.

Be sure to unmute the video :)

You've Heard There's POWER In NUMBERS

Now, It's YOUR Turn To Take Back Your POWER

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